The Bloody Blue Moon Eclipse ~ 28 Jan 2018

The media seems all a’flutter about the fact that on the 31st there is a blue moon at the same time as a super moon that will likely appear blood red during the eclipse that also happens then. Wow! That’s a mouthful and worthy of being unpacked. Let’s break it down to ensure that this grand event is kept in perspective. Evangelicals do have a history of going uber-apocalyptic in the prophecy arena when the moon turns blood red. To an objective eye, the moon likely appears rusty - and not so much the crimson blood hue that prompts B horror movies, frantic responses.

A blue moon is a second full moon during any given Gregorian Calendar month. Average occurrence: 2.7 years. Astrological significance: Zero. Clever phrase expression significance: 7+. Blue Moon worthy of a Google search: 10 - fascinating articles out there!

This next full moon will be the second super moon of 2018. A super moon means the Moon is at or near perigee during the lunation. This moon at perigee means that the gravitational pull exerted by the moon is more intense due to the lesser distance over which it extends its force. Astrological impact: 8+. Emotional charge impact: 9.5+.

 The emotional reactions during a super moon rise. Responses tend to be a bit more hair-triggered and the “gravity” of any highly charged situation rises while potential irrationality magnifies. Since we are in between two super moons, abnormally high stress is gravitationally placed on tectonic plates.

This past week there were massive earthquakes in the ocean just south of Alaska. As well, significant quakes have occurred in or near Japan, Chile, the Gulf of California and off the coast of Africa. It would take a statistician to assess the abnormality. However, if you’ve signed up for USGS alerts ( your phone has been receiving more messages lately.

Following the Alaska earthquake event a tsunami warning was issued. Often emotions surging during lunar perigee appear in tsunami-like waves with all the associated anxieties and concerns.

During the total eclipse this week, the moon likely appears reddish - red, of course, symbolic of war, anger, rage, aggression. To my mind, the only impact of the coloration of the moon during the eclipse is the awe inspired and only for those who venture out for view - or who are in a region of the world where viewing is possible. If you’re not in one of those fortunate viewing regions, eclipses these days are very actively live-streamed. You’ll likely feel some celestial titillation if viewing in HD, but not as much as if watching the alignment in person. Still, it’s worth tuning in.

Total lunar eclipse ahead! Astrological impact: at least 7+ collectively, 9.989, if the degree of the eclipse impacts your nativity personally.

The eclipse occurs with the Sun in Aquarius and Moon in Leo. Astrological suggestions are: get your weird on (Sun in Aquarius) and love it (Moon in Leo). Be cool and use Leonine confidence to relate the importance of your ideas without bluster and bravado, cleverly noting how your ideas will benefit the real world circumstance of your listeners and attendees. Respect the attention received and appreciate creative feedback. Feel the fecundity!

During a lunar eclipse, Earth passes between the Sun and the Moon. Sun and Moon stand opposite in aspect, creating the classic battles in mind vs. feeling, logic vs. reaction, head vs. heart as the conscious attention of the Sun conspires with Earth to block out the Moon’s subconscious patterning that induces the strongest of emotion. It’s as if for a short period of time the circuit breaker tripped off the light bulbs of feeling. Yes, it’s not comfortable and something surely “feels” out of sorts. However, over the next two weeks, in this eclipse pattern instance, leading up to the solar eclipse in February, perspective will be regained - then for a brief interval, emotion overrides reason during the solar eclipse.

The challenge is when the moon ventures so close and aligned per an eclipse, the conscious mind (Sun), mundane world (Earth) and craving for support and understanding (Moon) all compete for priority in the psyche. If during the lunar eclipse, one can give pause to reaction and step back to observe the awe-inspiring coincidence that all these real world events synchonistically and simultaneously appeared to overload your sensors, and if reason can be applied, some groovy (a tripped out Aquarius word) insights likely follow. With those insights, clear, personally beneficial decisions can be made.

With the insights integrated into the psyche, no doubt others seek out those reeking with the confidence of good life decisions. The urge the centered folks to take charge and lead them toward alternatives to the stuck thinking and worn-our archetypes that wrote the codex of the psyche in the first place. In fact, those with confidence in place can and mostly likely will accept the charge. They step forward, and hold the banners high that resonate in accord with the celestial influences above.

If this eclipse aspects a personal planet, light (Sun or Moon), angles or node, be on notice that you are on call. This next eclipse lands at 11 Leo 37 on the ecliptic. No doubt others will engage you, seeking your participation (a request for guidance) - alignment with their interests, if you will. Since this eclipse occurs with the Sun in Aquarius, the Moon in Leo, and the Earth in Leo, too, if viewed heliocentrically, there is no time for hesitation, reticence or reluctance. When the Cosmos pings, answer the call. The ping chimed for a reason.


One more thing, Ceres, the ultimate advocacy planet in Leo, is conjunct the Moon during the eclipse within minutes of an arc. Given Ceres is who she is, remain alert to self-sabotage and avoid nuclear options that end up defeating the personal causes you seek to advance. Stand tall, and be counted. Maintain a high road position. If one the side of right and good, great things can be accomplished.

If you can see the eclipse where you are located, have a look, even if only for a few minutes. Feel the inspiration. Enjoy the awe. If it’s convenient to watch live streaming, check it out. Feel the inspiration. Enjoy the awe. If it’s while you’re slumbering, perhaps when slipping under the covers, set an intention to feel the inspiration and awe while you sleep and that your dreams will sort any perplexing emotional experience at hand.

Happy Total Super Blue Moon Eclipse!